Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prayers for Bobby

I hate to be a Debbie Downer but I just wanted to say a little something on a serious topic. I just got finished watching Prayers for Bobby on Lifetime. If you don't know, it's about a young man who is gay but his mom is hardcore Christian and after a lot of resistance from her, he eventually commits suicide.
Anyways, I just wanted to comment on how good of a movie I thought it was. Parents do and say a lot of things that are hurtful, but suicide is never the answer. I watched it and literally cried my eyes out. I was sobbing, I was crying so hard I could hardly breathe. 
This story really hit home with me because it was like watching my life story about a year ago when I lived at home. My parents were not accepting whatsoever. There was a time when all I thought about was how much I was letting them down and how miserable the rest of my life would be. I was severely depressed and for a long time all I thought about at night before I went to sleep and what I thought about when I woke up was ending my life. I have never been in such a dark hole. There was even a couple times where I was so close to actually going through with it but certain events (which I personally strongly believe was God intervening) happened to stop me. It was the darkest time in my life and I was lucky enough to make it through. 
Things still are not great with my parents, but watching movies like this make me so happy and sad all at the same time. It brings back those emotions of that time but makes me so grateful I was able to recover and not take my life.
It also makes me sad because watching Bobby's mom be so ignorant as she makes her son hate himself even more is exactly what my mom has done and continues to do. I wish she could open her eyes and see how she makes me feel. I wish she could have seen this movie and have it make an impact on her the same way it had an impact on me.
I highly recommend watching this movie if you didn't get to see it. You might want to stock up on some kleenex though.
And please, if any of you feel the way I was feeling back then, talk to someone, get some help. I consider myself so lucky that I didn't go through with it. Many others conflicted with coming to terms with their sexuality are not so lucky.


Anonymous said...

Powerful post. I've dealt with depression over the gay issue. I'm still closeted and I'm in my 40's for heaven's sake, but I felt that was better then telling my family.

In retrospect, the damage is probably done on that front for me. Who knows how they would've taken the news? I never gave them the chance, but there is evidence that it wouldn't of gone well. So I made the choice I did.

Glad your doing better and hopefully it helps someone out there who is in that boat and they don't do it and go on to live a fulfilling life. I just ran across your blog for the first time today. Take care.

Anonymous Blogger said...

yea i saw this movie, it was really good even though there were some things in it that I thought was weird. Nevertheless, it had a powerful message

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EveryDayGayBoy said...

I love this post! I have not seen the movie though.. I can't completely relate to your situation as it is, but I know my situation would be similiar if I were out to my family.. I Like "closet" made the choice to keep my sexuality "private" or secret because the relationship that I have now with my family is worth a great deal to me and I don't want to ruin it. I've always admired and envyed those in the lifestyle that were able to come out to thier parents. It's a small scarifice to me until I meet that one person that will be in my life forever. I just want to urge people who are always advising and suggesting to those of us who are still in the closet to come out to not do that. We all have to choose our own time as we are the ones who will truly know and have to deal with the aftermath of such an act. Unfortunately, there are many Bobbys in the world and until such a time as we are looked at without prejudice we should all take care to do whats right for our own personal situations. God Bless!